Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tracking MidCentury Architecture

I've been keeping tabs of my travels and explorations, and compiled them into a rough map over at Google. Chicago MidCentury Architecture marks notable churches, neighborhoods, and a handful of individual buildings from the 1950s and 1960s.


BW said...

The Mount Prospect YMCA is actually the Lattof YMCA in Des Plaines.

You should consider going up and down Devon and Touhy. I believe these have the largest concentrations of midcentury in the area.

Also a great resource for the North and Northwest suburbs has emerged at

Robert Powers said...

I actually travel Touhy all the time -- it's like a secret back door from Rogers Park to O'hare -- and haven't found all that much, certainly nothing to compare with Harlem Ave.

Devon's a little more interesting, but most of what I've found is on its cross-streets like Lincoln.

And.. holy crap, thanks for the link! Awesome!!

snickers workwear said...

I';m looking to visit the city soon so your map will be a great piece to have with me to help me find the sights you've posted on. Great idea